Saturday, March 31, 2012

Why I Prefer my Kindle to your iPad

So I had some extra money in my Amazon account from selling back books. For a long time, I contemplated spending this money in various ways: magazine subscriptions, renting an elephant for a few days, or buying a Kindle. Apparently Amazon doesn't (yet) offer an elephant rental service, so I decided to go with the Kindle, thinking it will be useful on Male Chorale tour. I just got it yesterday and have been playing with it for the day, and I love it! Here are some reasons why I love it and it beats the iPad, at least in my opinion:

  1. Energy efficiency. The Kindle lasts for a month without charge. The iPad? Well, the iPad 3 lasts 9 or ten hours on a full charge, depending on what you're doing.
  2. The technology. The Kindle uses e ink, which I originally knew nothing about, but researched just now and found it super awesome. Basically, there's ink inside, and the electricity is used to move the ink. Once the ink is moved to its new position, it stays there without electricity. This leads to my next point.
  3. Genius marketing strategy. This one is not in competition against Apple, as they obviously also have a brilliant marketing strategy. My Kindle is ad-supported though, which means that while in sleep mode, it shows an ad. Right now, it's showing an ad for a fitness center. This is genius because it uses no battery, and everyone will leave their Kindle just laying around anyhow. Most won't find this a reason to love the Kindle, but I appreciate good marketing, and this is very well done.
  4. Access to free books. Did you know that any older books are in the public domain? Sherlock Holmes, Alice in Wonderland, and others are all free on Kindle because they're in the public domain. I can also rent books from the public library without even going to the library!
  5. It fits in my back pocket. I'd like to see you try to fit all the Harry Potter books and the Bible in your back pocket!
These are just a few reasons the Kindle is awesome. I could go on, but you probably have something very important to get to, like watering your lawn. At the school I go to, watering the lawn is priority number one. Have fun!

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