The Hunger Games apparently came out at midnight, thirty-two minutes ago as I type this. Why am I not there? Simple. I haven't read the books. I won't watch a movie until I read the books, it just seems wrong. Also, it's just too trendy to like the Hunger Games right now. It's as good of a book now as it was five years ago; why was no one freaking out then?
Why do we all blindly follow the current trends? If it's cool, we end up doing it. Alternatively, we do the opposite to try to start a new trend and get people to follow us. It's dumb. Why can't we just be who we are instead of bending to every ridiculous pressure the world throws at us? I'm tired of following trends! I'm tired of being hipster and doing the opposite! From now on, I'll follow God, followed by myself (with input from my close friends). I could care less what the media tells me is important or what the newest must-have iPad, er...gadget is. How can I be not of the world if my life revolves around what the world tells me?
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