Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Cell Phone Stereotyping

Do you have that friend who's always on their phone? I put together this handy list of a few stereotypes to help you identify them!

1. The Absorbed Texter: This is the person who has their face to the ground all the time, buried in their phone. It's the technological equivalent of the nerd we all knew in elementary school who always had their face buried in a book. (Spoiler alert: It was me!)

2. The Facebooker: You know the Facebooker by their checkins on Facebook. If there's a page called "Jill's House <3 <3" with 172 checkins, 171 of which are from Jill herself, you know you have met a Facebook addict. These are also the people who will decide to fast from Facebook to dedicate more time to more important things in their life, and reactivate it two days later and tell everyone what a sacrifice it was. They will force you to become their friend seconds after meeting them so they can tag you in their newest photo "Chillin on the escalator!!! <3"

3. The iPhone user: You know this one. This doesn't apply to everyone that has an iPhone, but to those who just KNOW that they're better than everyone else because they have the iPhone 4S. (They'll make fun of you if you still have the archaic iPhone 4.) Stick around and laugh as they ask for a Taco Bell and Siri recommends 7 childcare locations near them.

4. The Parent: You know you're dealing with a parent when you recieve a voicemail in which they tell you the number at which to call them back, and it's the same number in your caller ID! Parents are known for their failure to understand technology. Also, a text that says, "HEY are you free 2 night to go 2 gmas house? Gma is baking CheRy struedel for uz and your csns." is a sure-fire indicator that your're talking to a parent. Note that some parents are techno-savvy to the point where it's scary. Watch out for them, as they will guess your passwords with the ease of an easy chair.

5. The "I need to charge my phone" Friend: Seriously, that ONE person always needs to charge thier phone. It's a brand new phone, but it runs out of battery by 11 am every day. No one can understand this phenomenon. It's just one of those facts of life.

This is by no means an exhaustive list. Just keep an eye out for these cell phone stereotypes, and maybe even call them on it!

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