This story stood out to me like crazy. One of the most influential men in world history could have been a Christian, if not for one man's judgement of him. One man prevented the salvation of potentially thousands of people! Now this is an extreme story, and to some extent it can be hard to relate this story to our own lives. After all, we live in America, the land of the free. We have no caste system, and thus, no judgement, right? Wrong. Dead wrong. Just because we do not have a caste system per se, we think we have no judgement issues. Let me just point out a few people we may look down upon as Christians:
- The weird kid who you think may have some sort of mental disability. He probably has other friends, right?
- The metrosexual guy who everyone thinks is gay. I can't love him, he might fall in love with me!
- The janitor you pass in the hall and don't say a word to. He's busy with his job, and I'm sure plenty of other people say hi to him.
- The clingy girl that you try to avoid. If I pay attention to her, she'll never leave me alone!
- The crazy guy with a tattoo that includes the F word. He's way too far gone for God, right?
If you're going to tell me you've never judged any of these people, you're lying. I know that at some point in my life, I have thought every one of these things. I have judged, I have looked down on, I have not been Christ to others. And that's dead wrong. That's a sin. "Love your neighbor as yourself." We are called to love everyone, not just those we understand or feel comfortable with. Stop judging others!
Multiple times in the Bible, it says, "Judge not, that you not be judged." I've screwed up countless times, I'm the greatest sinner there is. I would rather not be judged. So I resolve to stop judging and treat all as God would treat them, by God's grace and to the best of my ability. How will I do this?
- I'm going to admit I have a problem. I am redeemed and saved. I no longer identify myself with my sin nature. But some of it still hangs on, and I pray to God to help me identify those areas of my life. I still judge, and I desire not to.
- I'm going to pray about it. God, please let me stop judging. Put people in my path who make me uncomfortable. Then give me the courage to talk to them, to show them your love. Give me Your strength so that I can show them Your love, God.
- Go do it. Destroy your prejudice, bring the judging thoughts and glances to a screeching halt. You don't need a new year to resolve to do something, you need the will to do it!
I strongly encourage you all to do this. I know I need to. And after reading the Gandhi story, I realize that the smallest thing I do to someone else or fail to do to someone else can make the biggest difference in the course of eternal history. I pray that I will never be the man that will lead someone away from Christ. Do you wish the same?
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