Saturday, June 30, 2012

Eureka! (I've Found It!)

I need to share something with you. I've found the greatest gift of my life. The one thing that I can rely on, the one thing that can keep me going. At the risk of sounding cliche, that one thing is Jesus. I'm sure you've all heard stories of how people have found Jesus. Maybe you've had your own experience; maybe you even made the emotional walk to the front of the church in front of all your friends. Maybe you've been there many times.

But I want to let you know that finding God is not just an amazing one day experience. It's more like finding a treasure chest that's filled with new gifts every time you open it. If you stop pursuing God once you've found Him, you will be missing out on SO many gifts that God has ready to pour into your life. The Christian life should be a constant pursuit of God, His presence and His glory. It can be challenging to pursue God. It takes time and it takes work. It takes commitment and dedication. Just like learning an instrument, you have to dedicate time to the things you value the most. And this isn't to say I've figured this out. But I have noticed that the more I pursue Him, the more I want to. The closer I get, the faster I run toward Him. And the more the things of this world fade away. A few years ago, I had many things that were more valuable to me than God. But my relationship with Jesus has grown to be the most important thing in my life, and I can now say that I am sincerely willing to give up anything I have, whether it be possessions, relationships, or even location for God. It's ridiculous how far I have come and how far I have to go. And I look on the future in fond anticipation, knowing that every time I am growing closer to my Savior is a time that I will forever savor.

Knowing all this, how can I sit and enjoy God by myself? How can I sit in His presence and marvel at His goodness without sharing it with the world? I haven't nailed this sharing my faith thing yet. I have work to do. But I want to be on the right path; I want to tell the world the hope that I found. I want to tell them that not only is there more than what the world sees, there's more than what much of the church sees. I want to share that!

If God is not the one thing you rely on, your one true love, you're missing out! Pray and work toward having that relationship. I could never go back to my previous 'normal' Christian life. Feel free to ask me about any of this, I'd be more than happy to share!

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