Today I decided to try out the new Google Chrome OS, which should be released around November 2010. It's a bit early and still has a lot of flaws and bugs, but assuming those are worked out, this could be a huge step backward and forward at the same time.
Backward and forward?'s a step forward because I think this will catch on. It's a very simple interface, even more simple than a Mac. Everything is entirely web-based, meaning without internet access, your computer is virtually useless. However, in today's society, web access is almost everywhere, at least in the United States.
As you can see from the above screenshot, everything is on the web. Media, such as music and videos and even images is on the web, and Google has said that their recent aquisition of Picnik is a way to have an online photo editor for Chrome OS.
So far this sounds like a pretty convenient operating system. It's also cheap, as the OS itself will be free from Google, as it is open source (anyone can view source code and suggest modifications). So why is it a step backward? Simply this: The interface is simple, incredibly simple, in fact. It's even more dumbed down than a Mac. This computer has nowhere near the performance capacities of a PC, since it cannot even run programs. It is very secure, with almost no chance for viruses, but it is not for advance computer users. However, since the majority of us are not advance computer users, I predict that if Google markets this well (and they will), this OS will become popular and overcome Mac, and possibly PCs, though not as likely.
Although this is an amazing operating system, there will always be the need for a real computer. And for that purpose, Macs will never take over for PCs.